Tape v.s. Keratin Bond Extensions: What’s the Difference?

We’re always on the hunt for perfect rapunzel-esque hair. For those of us that aren’t blessed with naturally long locks, extensions are the best way to achieve our #hairgoals. 

In fact, there are so many benefits to using hair extensions, that we’re definitely team extension-havers. Length? Check. Volume? Check. Healthy ends? Check. They’re the perfect way to instantly improve the look and feel of your hair. 

But, there are so many different kinds of extensions out there. It can feel totally overwhelming!

If you’re new to having hair extensions, or maybe you’re looking to switch up from your usual style, this is the guide for you. 

We’ll be going over the two stars of the extension world: Tapes and Keratin Bonds. 

Tape-In Extensions

Contrary to its name, tape extensions don’t mean we’ll be sticking your extensions with cellotape. These extensions are made from superfine wefts of hair and are attached to your hair with medical-grade tape. And make no mistake, this tape is made of super strong stuff. 

They’re THE most popular kind of extension going. Probably because they’re so lightweight, quick to apply and virtually invisible against your head. What’s not to love?

Thanks to the super fine tape, they’re also very easy to peel away and remove/reapply, making the reapplication process as painless as it gets. 

Tape extensions are a fantastic option for anyone with thin or thinning hair. They sit flat against the head and don’t stick out between the gaps in your natural hair. Depending on how much volume you’re after, you can add up to 50 (yeah, you read that right, 50!!!) pieces to your head. The great thing about tapes is that they’re not heavy - so you can layer on the volume, without having your head weigh a tonne. 

These extensions also come in a range of thickness, length and colours too, so you’re able to achieve virtually ANY look you’re after!

You’ll want to book yourself in for reapplication after 6-8 weeks, with 8 weeks being the absolute MAX you can go! Trust us - you don’t want to deal with all the matting, tangling and damage that comes with old extensions. 

So, to recap, tape extensions are:

  • Lightweight

  • Quick to apply

  • Blend seamlessly into the hair

  • Suitable for all hair types

  • Great for thinner or thinning hair

  • Need to be reapplied every 6-8 weeks

As Hannah Montana so wisely said, though… Nobody’s perfect. And tape extensions aren’t perfect either! While we absolutely love our tape extensions, here are a few of their pitfalls:

  • They’re not ideal for wearing your hair up. If you’re a regular high-pony lover, these kinds of extensions may give you some trouble. 

  • They can also be tricky to reuse because of how strong that medical-grade tape is!

Keratin Bond Extensions

Keratin bonds. Pre-bonded. Fusion bond. Just straight up ‘bond.’ These extensions go by plenty of different names, all with the same gorge results. 

These extensions are held to the natural hair via a keratin tip that’s melted using a specialist heat gun. (Not one to try at home, folks!!) Once the keratin tips cool, they harden and bond to the hair. These little tips are about the size of a grain of rice so are totally unintrusive. 

You might be thinking: ‘Glue? In my hair? That doesn’t sound good.’ But don’t worry! Since these bonded tips are 90% keratin, it’s VERY safe and doesn’t cause damage to your hair (when applied by the pros… aka us!) 

Unlike their tape cousins, keratin bond extensions LAAAAST. They can last months until they need reapplication, making them perfect for anyone that can’t make it to the salon every couple of weeks. They’re durable as all hell too and can take more of a beating than your average tape extension can. It’s great for people that want to set it and forget it. 

The pros are looking pretty strong. Let’s review:

  • They’re super durable and can last up to 4-6 MONTHS with proper after care

  • Great for wearing your hair in any style due to how seamlessly the bonds hide in your hair

  • If being ultra careful with your hair isn’t really your thing, these are the extensions for you. They don’t require all the maintenance appointments that other extensions do - so you’ve got more time to do you!!

And as for the cons… Well, we’ve all got a few, eh?

  • While we love low maintenance, that does mean you’ll get more growth between appointments and will have to be extra careful when brushing over your keratin bonds. 

  • Keratin is unfortunately NOT invincible!! Only light heat can be applied to the bonds to ensure they don’t melt and get damaged. 

So… there you have it! You’re all clued up on your tapes and bonds and ready to live your long haired life ✨


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